Return of dinosaurs’ remains from Germany not profitable, govt says

What you need to know:
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Ramo Makani told the Parliament on Wednesday that it was not profitable to return the dinosaurs.
Dodoma. The government has ruled out the possibility of returning to the country remains of two dinosaurs taken to Germany from Lindi region between 1909 and 1913.
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Ramo Makani told the Parliament on Wednesday that it was not profitable to return the dinosaurs.
He was responding to Bunda Urban Member of Parliament (Chadema) Ms Ester Bulaya who challenged the government to explain how much the German government was making from keeping the remains.
The representative for Mchinga Mr Hamidu Bobali (CUF) also demanded to be told how the people of Lindi will be compensated for the historical dinosaurs that were plucked from their area without their knowledge.
But Mr Makani detailed that the government through the ministry of foreign affairs had held discussions with Germany how best it could benefit Tanzania for keeping the remains.
“According to preliminary talks, the Government of Germany has committed itself to sponsor and improve tourism activities in Tendaguru hills,” he said.
The minister says that Germany will also assist in the establishment of a Museum in Lindi.