Several new faces in Dr Magufuli’s team

Isack Aloyce Kamwelwe becomes a new minister for water and Irrigation
What you need to know:
Not so famous MPs picked as deputies
Dar es Salaam. President John Magufuli has on Saturday, October 7, announced a list of new cabinet list, dropping a number of ministers and appointing several new faces.
In the new list, Mr George Mkuchika, makes it back to the cabinet. He has been named as a minister of State in the President’s Office Public Services and Good Governance.
The experienced Mkuchika is the only politician to be named a full minister fresh from the Parliament.
Other new ministers have been promoted from deputies. They include Mr Suleiman Jaffo, who becomes minister for President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government, the same docket which he served as its deputy. Josephat Sinkamba Kandege will assist Mr Jaffo as his deputy.
Mt Luhaga Joelson Mpina has been promoted to a minister for Livestock and Fisheries. He used to work as Deputy Minister in the Vice President’s Office in the Environment docket.
Dr Medard Matogolo Kalemani, who used to serve as deputy minister in the divided Energy and Minerals ministry now becomes a full minister head Energy Ministry. He will be assisted by Ms Subira Khamis Mgalu, a new entrant.
Ms Angellah Mbelwa Kairuki has been shifted from President’s office and goiven to head Minerals ministry, which has been severed from Energy and Minerals ministry. She will be assisted by Stanslaus Haroon Nyongo, also a new face in the list of ministers.
Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children will continue to be under Ms Ummy Ally Mwalimu, though her deputy, Dr Khamis Kigwangallah has been promoted to become a minister for Natural Resources and Tourism. Ms Mwalimu will be assisted by Dr Faustine Ndungulile while Dr Kingwangallah will be assisted by Japhet Ngailonga Hasunga.
Prime Minister’s Office docket for Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled will continue to be under Ms Jenista Joackim Mhagama but he will be assisted by Stella Ikupa Alex in the disabled docket while Mr Anthony Mavude will continue as deputy in the Youth and Employment section.
In other changes Dr Magufuli has introduced a deputy minister in the ministry of Industries, Trade and Investment. Ms Stella Martin Manyanya has been shifted from Education to serve as new deputy minister under Charles John Mwijage.
Isack Aloyce Kamwelwe becomes a new minister for water and Irrigation, a ministry which he served as deputy minister. The former minister, Mr Gerson Lwenge, has been dropped. Mr Kamwelwe will be assisted by Jumaa Hamidu Aweso.
Another new face in the list of Special Seats MP, Dr Mary Machuche Mwanjelwa who becomes deputy minister for Agriculture and Ms Juliana Shonza who has been named deputy minister for Information, Culture, Arts and Sports.
Outspoken Mwibara MP, Mr Kangi Lugora, has also been included in the new list as deputy minister in the Vice President office dealing with Union Affairs.
Others who have been named deputy ministers for first time include Atashasta Justus Nditiye (Works Transport and Communications) and Elias John Kwandikwa (Works Transport and Communications)