here is the full list of the new Cabinet

Minister President’s Office (Public Service and Good Governance) – Mr George Huruma Mkuchika
What you need to know:
--Two new ministries formed
--Industry docket gets a deputy minister
--A number of women appointed
Dar es Salaam President John Magufuli Saturday October 7 announced a list of new ministers and deputies in a reshuffle since the fifth phase government came to power after the 2015 General Election.
The Citizen brings you a complete list of cabinet ministers and deputies as announced by the Head of State. The cabinet is expected to be sworn-in at the State House on Monday October 9.
- President’s Office (Public Service and Good Governance) – Mr George Huruma Mkuchika
- President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) – Mr Seleman Said Jafo
- Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) – Mr January Yusuf Makamba
- Prime Minister’s Office (Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled) – Ms Jenista Joackim Mhagama
- Agriculture- Dr Charles John Tizeba
- Livestock and Fisheries – Mr Luhaga Joelson Mpina
- Works, Transport and Communication - Prof Makame Mnyaa Mbarawa
- Finance and Planning - Dr Phillip Isdor Mpango
- Energy - Dr Medard Matogolo Kalemani
- Minerals - Angellah Mbelwa Kairuki
- Constitutional and Legal Affairs - Prof Palamagamba John Kabudi
- Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation - Dr Augustine Phillip Mahiga
- Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children - Ms Ummy Ally Mwalimu
- Defence and National Service - Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi
- Home Affairs- Mr Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba
- Natural Resources and Tourism - Dr Hamis Andrea Kigwangalla
- Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development – Mr William Vangimembe Lukuvi
- Industries, Trade and Investment – Mr Charles John Mwijage
- Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training - Prof Joyce Lazaro Ndalichako
- Information, Culture, Arts and Sports - Dr Harrison George Mwakyembe
- Water and Irrigation - Isack Aloyce Kamwelwe
Deputy Ministers
- President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) – Mr Josephat Sinkamba Kandege
- President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) Mr Joseph George Kakunda
- Vice President’s Office (Union Affairs and Environment) Mr - Kangi Alphaxard Lugola
- Prime Minister’s Office (Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled) – Mr Antony Mavunde
- Prime Minister’s Office (Responsible for the Disabled) – Ms Stella Ikupa Alex
- Agriculture - Dr Mary Machuche Mwanjelwa
- Livestock and Fisheries – Mr Abdallah Hamis Ulega
- Works Transport and Communications – Ms Atashasta Justus Nditiye
- Works Transport and Communications – Ms Elias John Kwandikwa
- Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation - Dr Susan Alphonce Kolimba
- Home Affairs – Mr Hamad Yussuf Masauni
- Natural Resources and Tourism – Mr Japhet Ngailonga Hasunga
- Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development – Ms Angeline Lubala Mabula
- Industries, Trade and Investment – Ms Stella Martin Manyanya
- Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training – Mr William Ole Nasha
- Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children - Dr Faustine Engelbert Ndungulile
- Information, Culture, Arts and Sports – Ms Juliana Daniel Shonza
- Water and Irrigation – Mr Jumaa Hamidu Aweso
- Minerals – Mr Stanslaus Haroon Nyongo
- Energy-Subira Khamis Mgalu
- Finance and Planning - Dr Ashantu Kachwamba Kijaji