CORPORATE SUFI: How your feelings create your reality

What you need to know:

  • Are you showing signs of someone who is confident, daring and gutsy? Do you show conviction and feelings of success? If these are the signs you give while making decisions, these are the things that you will invite.

What signs are you giving while making decisions in your life, be they major decisions or minor decisions?

Are you showing signs of someone who is confident, daring and gutsy? Do you show conviction and feelings of success? If these are the signs you give while making decisions, these are the things that you will invite.

Your feelings create your reality. When you send positive vibrations to others, you receive positive vibrations. What you can imagine vividly and invite with feelings, you attract in your life. Feelings, positive vibes and imagination begin the winning attitude cycle.

Success begins with your self-concept, what you think you are made of. We are not talking about ego, which is the basis of a self-centered attitude and a superiority complex. Instead, we are talking about a winning attitude and positive pride.

What you believe is what becomes reality.

Once you create a new belief and reinforce it in every way you can, you start to breathe new life into yourself.

If you do not bet on yourself, no one will bet on you. No one will believe in you more than you believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, the whole world believes in you. Belief in yourself changes the landscape.

Your demeanor, voice, understanding all change. People begin to respect what you have to say. You increase your value in their mind.

These feelings are translated into goals, action and decisions. Self-belief can help you actualize your potential in three ways:

Empowers your commitment

Once you start believing in yourself, you acquire the confidence to commit. Because only when you believe in something, can you commit on its behalf. And once your commitment is in place, everything falls in line, whether in business or in life. Hence the first step is to believe and then to decide.

Self-belief will remain important followed by a clear direction and an action plan set the wheels in motion. Not being decisive reflects uncertainty, lack of confidence and nervousness and weakens your self-belief.

Empowers you to choose your path

Once you start believing in yourself, you start focusing on yourself. This increases your self-awareness.

Only a person who is self-aware can choose his path. In other words, you can choose at what level you want to play your game.

If you want to play at the top level, then everything you do has to reflect that. How you and your team interact with clients, employees and other stakeholders has to reflect top-level attitude and outlook.

If you want to play at the top level but part of you believes you are not at that level, it will manifest in your behavior.

Your own demeanor has to align with that top-level standard. What you feel within you translates into your actions, reactions and overall behavior. Self-confidence comes about when you have paid the price to be better and better every day.

Every day you have a choice of doing things as they come along or focusing on priorities. Focusing on key priorities creates the best outcome.

Empowers you to envision your success

Success is the product of the interaction of the individual and the environment and grace. If the individual himself lacks self-belief then an important component of the success is shaky.

Many people are not clear about what success looks like because they are unsure about their own abilities. Hence finding focus is difficult.

Once you start believing in yourself, your focus improves and your path to success becomes clearer. Then you can decide what great success looks like for you both in the long term as well as short term.