Rape headache for Tanga with 1,104 cases reported

Tanga. The prevalence of rape is giving authorities a headache in Tanga Region with a total of 1,104 rape cases reported at police stations between 2016 and 2018.

A recent report on trends of sex-related crimes issued here by the regional police reveals that the majority of the cases (941) reported during the three-year period involved girl children.

The number of female adult rape victims was 163, according to the Tanga Regional Police Commander, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP) Edward Bukombe, who released the report.

Mr Bukombe noted that the statistics place rape at number two in terms of the most prevalent criminal activities reported in the region during the period reviewed.

A total of 493 suspects were apprehended by the Police Force in the same period in connection with rape.

SACP Bukombe also said that there was a significant number of sodomy cases (156), especially involving young boys, during the three-year period. A total of 93 suspects were arrested in connection with the crime.

“We are stepping up our efforts to eliminate such crimes through law enforcement processes and awareness campaigns spearheaded by police officers, inspectors and officers-in-charge of gender desks,” he said.

The police are, however, battling to cope with the challenge of victims’ reluctance, and in some cases refusal, to give evidence during investigations.

But working with the State Attorney’s Office, the Police Force said it is preparing a “better legal system” that might help speed up preliminary investigations, and enable the case to continue even when the victim has disappeared.

Authorities have raised concern about the slow pace in addressing the rape nightmare, with the new report revealing an arguably insignificant yearly drop in the number of reported cases.

In 2016, the region recorded a total of 396 cases. Last year, the number dropped by 60 from 384 in 2017 to 324.