Police block ACT-Wazalendo meeting in Dar es Salaam

What you need to know:
- ACT-Wazalendo blames the police for not informing them about the meeting, which was supposed to be held at Temeke to receive new 1500 members. Police cancelled the meeting over security concerns.
Dar es Salaam. Police on Wedneday blocked ACT-Wazalendo from holding a meeting at PR Stadium Hotel, according to Dar Special Zone Police Commander Lazaro Mambosasa.
Mr Mambosasa said they were forced to cancel the meeting over security concerns.
The party planned to hold the meeting to receive more than 1500 new members, who defected from Civic United Front (CUF) recently.
Three police vehicles were seen at the hotel’s premises with armed officers patrolling the area.
The party’s secretary general Ms Dorothy Semu said that they weren’t informed by the police about the ban.
“We were caught unawares when some of our new members were chased away by the police…we weren’t informed at all about this new development,” said Ms Semu.