Zimbabwean man who faked resurrection has this time died for real

You can’t cheat death and you can’t tell when it will come. A Zimbabwean man who faked resurrection farce in South Africa has died, local media reported on Monday.
Brighton Moyo’s relative who spoke to the media revealed that he was buried over the weekend after suffering from a persistent stomach swelling that went on for three days.
Moyo hit the headlines earlier this year after a video of him ‘being resurrected’ at Alph Lukau’s Alleluia Ministries International church emerged online.
“Pastor Alph, something is happening outside. There is a family that is about to bring a corpse to Zimbabwe, but they are saying something is happening, man of God,” a woman is heard shouting.
“As the funeral parlour drove over the church door, their neighbour said it seemed like the fingers of this dead corpse were beginning to move,” she added.
The pastor went outside and asked the workers to take the coffin from the hearse.
During the dramatic ‘resurrection’, the controversial preacher asked the congregants to lift their hands and start praying.
“Rise up!” he shouted, before the man who was allegedly deceased sat up.
His acting skills seemed to kick in as he feigned confusion, like a modern-day Lazarus.
At the time, Moyo’s landlady claims that the first time he faked his death he had been suffering from severe coughs and had not sought medical attention.
“We took him to the hospital and they said they could not help him because he did not have papers, so we took him to the doctor and he ‘died’ there,” she claimed.
The mortuary which his family is alleged to have taken him the first time he ‘died’ denied any knowledge of the incident.