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Pentecostal churches and bar owners in trouble over noise

Home Affairs minister Kangi Lugola

Dar es Salaam. Home Affairs minister Kangi Lugola took on bar and Pentecostal church owners yesterday over noise pollution.
Mr Lugola ordered police to arrest a preacher at Pentecostal Power Ministry Church at Kimara Temboni, Mr Eliya Mahela, and demanded a thorough inspection of the Buscar La Vida Bar at Mbezi Beach A. During his tour of Dar es Salaam yesterday, the minister visited the two entities where he was told of how they disturb the residents living around them.
Mr Gaspar Kyaliga, a resident of Mbezi Beach A told Mr Lugola how disturbing the nearby pub was to neighbouring compounds, including schools.
“With this beer hall here, we seriously spend sleepless nights especially on weekends…We reported the case to the street chairman and to the District Commissioner but nothing has changed. In our meeting with municipal authorities, we were informed that the area was for residences and not business,” he said.
For her part, Ms Edwina Lupembe, said the bar was a serious cause for concern to the health of her husband who suffers from Blood Pressure (BP) and to students at Mbezi Beach Primary School.
But the bar owner, Ms Selina Koka said she had all government permits to run the business at the area.
“I have my business licence and all other basic certificates, which prove that I am doing this legally,” she said.
She confirmed to have received a seven-day notice from the National Environment Management Council (Nemc), but asked for permission to continue with the business.
At Kimara Temboni Street, Mr Lugola was greeted with complaints from residents, with Mr Mugisha Paschal, saying Pentecostal Power Ministry church at the area was causing unbearable noise.