How PCCB can stem the tide of corruption
PCCB acting director general John Mbungo (left) shakes hands with African Union Advisory Board on Corruption chairman Begoto Miarom after opening a sensitisation workshop in Dar es Salaam yesterday. PHOTO | SAID KHAMIS
Dar es Salaam. The African Union Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC) has advised the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) to work closely with media outlets and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the fight against corruption and other financial crimes.
The regional anti-corruption body has further called upon the CSOs and media practitioners to play a pivotal role by unveiling and reporting corruption related crimes to the relevant national authorities.
The AUABC chairman, Mr Begoto Miarom, issued the remarks when he delivered his speech during a multi-stakeholder meeting on corruption prevention in Dar es Salaam yesterday. “Both media outlets and CSOs must also exert pressure on governments to speed up investigations and prosecutions of corruption cases,” said Mr Miarom. AUABC, which consists of 11 member states including Tanzania, on September 9 sent its five board members to conduct a five-day assessment and evaluation of Tanzania’s progress in the fight against corruption.
The AUABC chairman further declared that the regional anti-corruption body was satisfied with the Tanzanian government’s efforts to stem the tide of corruption. “The refined assessment report on corruption in Tanzania will be published and made public soon, “ said Mr Miarom. Tanzania ratified the aforementioned convention, which was adopted in Maputo on July 11, 2003 that serves to fight rampant political corruption on the continent. The Convention also covers a wide range of offences including bribery (domestic or foreign), diversion of property by public officials, trading in influence, illicit enrichment, money laundering.
For his part, PCCB acting director general John Mbungo reiterated the government’s determination to curb corruption at all levels.
He further mentioned that due to the nature of the corruption cases, the anti-corruption agency was forced to prolong the investigations hence attributing to delay of prosecutions of corruption criminals.
“The fifth phase government under President John Magufuli, we have made a milestone in fighting against corruption, “ said Mr Mbungo.
During the assessment exercise, the AUABC team also had an opportunity to hold talks with various government departments and institutions officials in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.