Mwanza boy narrates how a friend was eaten by a crocodile

Dar es Salaam. It was normal play day and all the boys wanted was to have some fun on a Friday afternoon on the shores of Lake Victoria, but this was not to be.
Kwitega Kadushi (16) is a resident of Msuswiga in Sengerema District; Mwanza was a close friend to Magesa Biseko (12) who was on Friday October 11 mauled by a crocodile while they were swimming in the lake.
The boys had gone out to swim and play some fun games, something they have been doing for several years, but little did they know that the reptile lay in the waiting and the afternoon would turn so tragic.
Biseko, according to Kadushi, was a prolific swimmer who always beat them in the different challenges that they came up with.
On this day, they were racing to see who would pick the bottle first from the deep end and on three occasions Magesa Biseko had beaten them all due to his swimming skills that is unrivaled by any of the boys.
“After the third round we went for the fourth and that is when a huge crocodile turned up from the blue and attacked Biseko taking him away,” says Kwitega Kadushi who is four years older than Biseko.
The croc’s formidable jaws snapped the boy’s bones like mere twigs; there was no time for him to cry for help.
Puzzled with what had just happened to one of their friends the two boys ran out of the waters to seek for help, but was too little to late the croc had already eaten their dear friend.
Biseko’s remains were found yesterday near the area where the reptile attacked the boys with most parts missing
"I will never swim in the lake again, I had always had that crocodiles eat people but little did I know that it would eat my dear friend,” says a sobbing Kwitega Kadushi.
The attack has left the villagers wondering what to do next because it is something that is very rare for crocs to attack humans.
Many people in East Africa who live around lakes and rivers, the risk of being attacked by a crocodile is part of everyday life.
The men are caught when they go fishing whereas the women when are doing daily chores like fetching water or crossing the rivers.