Sadc urges more efforts to mitigate impacts of climate change

Sadc executive secretary Dr Stergomena Tax.
What you need to know:
Sadc has made repeated calls in a statement issued Thursday on February 13, 2020, aiming to express its condolences to the government, families of victims and survivors of floods that affected various regions in Tanzania.
Dar es Salaam. The Southern African Development Community (Sadc) has reiterated the need for regional and global efforts to mitigate the impacts of Climate Change in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030).
Sadc made the recap in a statement to console Tanzania that has lost nearly 40 people and some properties due to floods.
The statement, signed by Sadc executive secretary Dr Stergomena Tax, says the regional block received with deep sorrow and sadness the deaths of over 40 people, displacement of others and damage of properties due to heavy rains and floods in Lindi, Mwanza, Morogoro and Manyara regions.
According to the statement, at least 1,750 houses have been destroyed, 15,000 people displaced with 8,000 others living in temporary shelters.
The floods also damaged roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and 495 acres of farms with an unconfirmed number of livestock killed or injured in the affected areas, according to the statement.
“The secretariat remains committed to supporting member states and ensuring a coordinated approach to disaster risk management and in this regard strengthening regional capacities for preparedness and effective response to disasters through regional assessments and provision of early warning services,” reads the statement in part.
She calls on SADC member states to strengthen early warning capacities, ensure preparedness and enhance resilience, while promoting environmental management, particularly reforestation and afforestation, noting that vegetation can regulate and reduce the impacts of floods.
“Sadc conveys its heartfelt condolences to the people and government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the bereaved families, and wishes those injured, a quick recovery,” reads the statement.
She says Sadc stood in solidarity with the country, calling upon regional stakeholders, partners, within and beyond the region, to continue supporting recovery efforts and provide the needed humanitarian assistance to survivors.
According to her, extreme weather events continue to weaken resolves to increase resilience of our communities as their magnitude and severity exceed our capacities to effectively deal with them.