From dance and karaoke to TV Stardom: Feven’s journey to 5Selekt

What you need to know:

  • Feven’s journey to the television screen began in the bustling entertainment scene of Dar es Salaam, where she often found herself hosting karaoke nights and dance events.

In a remarkable turn of events, Feven Wubbe a.k.a Fevushka, once known for her vibrant presence as a dancer and host of karaoke and dance events, has ascended to the role of presenter on the esteemed television show 5Selekt.

Feven’s journey to the television screen began in the bustling entertainment scene of Dar es Salaam, where she often found herself hosting karaoke nights and dance events.

It was during these lively gatherings that she first crossed paths with Tbway 360, a fellow presenter at EATV.

“Tbway 360 saw something in me that I hadn’t even seen in myself,” Feven recalls, reflecting on the moment that would change the course of her career.

As Tbway observed Feven’s natural charisma and stage presence, he recognised her potential to shine in front of the camera.

“He encouraged me to try my hand at television,” Feven recounts, grateful for Tbway’s unwavering support and belief in her abilities.

In May when the opportunity arose for a new host on 5Selekt, Tbway wasted no time in recommending Feven for the role.

His commendation as a 5Selekt presenter for a long time, coupled with Feven’s undeniable talent, caught the attention of the decision-makers at EATV, ultimately leading to her selection as the newest member of the 5Selekt team.

“This opportunity means everything to me as it will be a new baby in my career in the entertainment sector as I have already made my name in the dancing stage,” she admits.

Feven reveals 5Selekt is the best opportunity to show her talent in presenting and use her Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication she earned at the University of Dar es Salaam (Udsm).

“I believe in trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s how you grow and learn,” she reveals.

She continued: “Every new experience has taught me something valuable and has helped me become better at what I do.”

She says that belief has been the cornerstone of her growth, enabling her to learn, evolve, and succeed in the dynamic world of entertainment.

However, Feven’s story in entertainment industry started off during her secondary school days when she used to dance for her friends and classmates.

“Dancing has always been a part of who I am, but it was in university that I realised I could share this part of me with a wider audience. Social media became my stage,” she says.

Feven’s love for dance began during her childhood days in Arusha but started to show it to friends and classmates in her secondary school years in 2011.

Even then, she was passionate about the art form, experimenting with various dance styles and routines.

It wasn’t until 2018, while studying at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), that she began to take her passion to the next level by shooting dance clips featuring various Bongo Flava and Dance Hall songs and sharing them on her social media platforms.

Feven’s decision to post her dance videos online marked a significant turning point in her career.

One of her clips caught the attention of renowned Tanzanian artist Rayvanny, who invited her to feature in his music video for the song ‘Chombo’.

This opportunity opened many doors for her, leading to collaborations as a dancer with some of Tanzania’s top artists, including Diamond Platnumz, Harmonize, Mimi Mars, and Vanessa Mdee.

“Being in Rayvanny’s video was surreal. It was my first major break, and from there, things just started falling into place,” Feven shares.

She adds: “I was suddenly getting calls from artists I had only dreamed of working with.”

However, she says balancing her burgeoning dance career with her university studies was no small feat as she often found herself spending long hours on set, sometimes up to seven hours, especially during night shoots.

This rigorous schedule made it challenging to keep up with her academic responsibilities.

“Balancing school and dancing was tough. There were times I would be on set all night and then rush to class in the morning. It was exhausting, but I knew I had to make it work,” she explains.

Despite the challenges, Feven managed to navigate her way through this demanding period, leveraging her dance career to fund her university education and cover other expenses.

She approached owners of various clubs and restaurants, proposing to bring dance performances to their business places.

Initially, many were sceptical of her idea. “Many club and restaurant owners didn’t see the value in what I was proposing,” she reveals and adds, “But I knew there was potential.”

Her idea got a chance after she put up a post celebrating those born in August and tagged Carlos Bastos Mella ‘Kalito’, the owner of Samaki Samaki.

"He thanked me and I asked him to check out my page and pitched my idea of having dancers at his spot and he had a similar idea, so it was easy," she shares.

“He agreed, and soon, we were performing at Samaki Samaki every Friday and Saturday. It was a game-changer.”

In November 2023, Feven took another bold step by launching her platform, Spice Entertainment, which offers entertainment services for weddings, clubs, restaurants, and special events.

This platform provides a variety of entertainment options, including dance performances, music bands, and fashion shows.

“I wanted to create a one-stop shop for entertainment. Whether it’s a wedding, a club night, or a corporate event, we provide top-notch entertainment,” she explains.

Feven also continues to perform at Club Element in Masaki every Friday and Saturday, maintaining her presence in the club scene.

However, Feven’s talent and hard work have been recognised with accolades.

In 2022, she won the Best Music Video Female Act at the Tanzania Music Awards (TMA).

“Winning the TMA award was a huge honour. It validated all the hard work and late nights. It showed me that I was on the right path,” she reflects.

As she continues to break new ground in the entertainment industry, Feven remains focused on expanding Spice Entertainment and exploring new avenues in her career.

She is passionate about mentoring young dancers and entertainers, helping them navigate the challenges of the industry.

“I want to give back and help the next generation of dancers and entertainers. I’ve learned so much on my journey, and I want to share that knowledge,” Feven says.

“The industry can be tough, but with the right guidance and support, I believe anyone can succeed,” she says.

She adds that the entertainment sector always needs a person who can try, innovate, and take actions with discipline.