How NMB managed to scoop 18 awards in 2022

NMB Bank chief executive officer Ruth Zaipuna (2nd right) hands over one of the 18 awards the bank won for the year 2022 to the lender’s board member Benson Mahenya. Left is the bank’s board member Ramadhan Mwikalu and chief of Retail Banking Filbert Mponzi. PHOTO | COURTESY
What you need to know:
- The banks’ engagement with various sectors of the economy including MSMEs, has helped it to earn local and global recognition
Dar es Salaam. NMB Bank Plc has won a total of 18 local and international awards this year, thanks to its engagement with various sectors of the economy.
During a press conference in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the lender disseminated its 10 most recent international awards it has won due to its role in boosting the delivery of financial services to individuals and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Chief Executive Officer Ruth Zaipuna, who personally bagged two of the recent awards termed the international recognitions as of utmost significance at the corporate, sectoral and national levels.
“These 18 awards have introduced NMB to the global banking arena and in doing so they have equally exposed the sector and the country internationally,” she explained.
The 10 international accolades include those from World Economic Magazine and the Global Brands Magazine.
The two global publications have also honored NMB as Best Retail Bank and Best Bank in Tanzania 2022 respectively. The other awards include: Best Retail Bank from International Business Magazine as well as Best Innovation in Retail Banking in Tanzania and Best Private Bank in Tanzania from International Banker Awards.
The list also include: Best Agri-Business Bank from Global Brands Magazine, Platinum Winner Sustainable Bond of the Year from Global Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Finance Forum Awards and Best Retail Bank from Global Banking & Finance Review.
“These and the other awards that have made 2022 a very successful year for us recognises NMB as the leading bank in terms of efficiency, innovation and quality products and banking services and our contribution to the advancement of the banking sector in Tanzania,” Ms Zaipuna said.
“The 18 awards equally appreciate our contribution to the socio-economic development of the country as well as the qualitative soundness of our digital systems. Most importantly, is the sustainable contribution of NMB Bank to the economic progress of our nation,” she added.
The national awards include three at the 2022 Tax Payers” Awards of the Tanzania Revenue Authority whereby it emerged tops by winning the Overall National Most Compliant Tax Payer Award. NMB also scooped the Most Complaint Taxpayer Award in the banking sector and was Third Winner: Outstanding Tax Contribution 2021/2022.
It also won the African Business Leadership Commendation Award 2022 by The Africa Summit and African’s Banking CEO of the Year 2022 (Tanzania) from Africa Bank 4.0 Awards. It has also been honored as Africa’s First Bank to Earn an EDGE Certificate for Gender Equality, took home the Honorary Fellowship Award by the Tanzania Institute of Bankers and won Bank CEO of the Year by Financial Women Awards.
Ms Zaipuna said being recognised locally and appreciated in international banking and financial circles proves the trust and respect NMB commands in the market in terms of its management and adherence to principle of good governance.
“This year we had set out to open one million new accounts but so far 1,012,344 have been opened meaning over 3,134 new accounts are being opened every day,” she explained when emphasizing the trust people have on the lender.
Speaking before receiving the new awards, NMB board member Benson Mahenya said the bank has every reason to bask in glory for the awards have been deservedly won by hard work from the top management to ordinary members of staff.