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George Helahela
George Helahela is a data reporter based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He holds a master’s degree in Mass Communication from the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) and a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from Dar es Salaam Tumaini University, formerly known as TUDARCo.
He is a communication consultant and researcher, as well as a two-time EJAT award winner.
Wrote articles
George Helahela is a data reporter based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He holds a master’s degree in Mass Communication from the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) and a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from Dar es Salaam Tumaini University, formerly known as TUDARCo.
He is a communication consultant and researcher, as well as a two-time EJAT award winner.
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