Tanzania’s Okra juice craze: Belief in vaginal lubrication drives increased consumption

What you need to know:

  • Experts emphasize holistic health practices that include maintaining vaginal health through a combination of good hydration, balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and appropriate medical care and they warn that relying solely on one food or drink for a specific health outcome could be detrimental and unadvisable

Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam is witnessing a growing trend in women’s consumption of okra juice, believing that the move would enhance vaginal lubrication.

The growing belief has spurred a significant increase in the consumption of okra juice, particularly among the Dar es Salaam women.

Okra, also known as "lady's finger," is a green vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre, as well as high in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and antioxidants.

These nutrients contribute to various health benefits, including improved digestion, blood sugar control, anti-inflammatory effects, and strengthening the health of the heart.

The high fibre content also aids digestion and prevents constipation, while its properties are helpful in the regulation of blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for diabetic people.

While antioxidants in okra help to reduce inflammation in the body, fibre and antioxidants support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Most of the Dar es Salaam residents who spoke to The Citizen agreed that there was a steep increase in the consumption of okra juices, despite disparities on the reason for the increase.

Ms Marietha Kihampa, 28, acknowledged being a frequent okra juice consumer.

She narrated that she started drinking okra juice after hearing from friends that it has something to do with vaginal lubrication.

“I've been using it for six months now, and I feel that it has made a difference. I prepare the juice at home by blending fresh okra with water. It has become part of my daily routine," she added.

A similar sentiment was shared by another Dar resident, Ms Karolina David, 35, who, despite being sceptical in the first place, noticed improvements in her overall health.

“While I'm not sure about the lubrication part of the view, I do feel energetic and less bloated after consuming the juice that I have been buying from a local vendor close to my residency,” said the mother of two.

Ms Mwanahawa Hashim, 32, a resident of Sinza, said she heard about the benefits from many people.

“Although I'm not entirely convinced, I enjoy the taste and feel that it's a healthy addition to my diet," she noted.

Increasing demand for okra juice has led to the emergence and mushrooming of juice vendors in different Dar es Salaam neighbourhoods, including Kariakoo, where a glass of juice is traded between Sh1,000 and Sh3,000.

A juice vendor at Kariakoo Market, Mr Abdul Shaibu Abdul, says women have been going to his stall specifically asking for okra juice.

“Many women believe the juice enhances vaginal lubrication. While I can't confirm its effectiveness, we businessmen have capitalised on this belief to promote our products. When women try it and notice positive effects, they often recommend it to their colleagues, which helps us grow our customer base,” he adds.

Another juice vendor in Sinza Vatican, Mr Gabriel Kimaro, said his focus was the health benefits of okra juice, including its effect on vaginal lubrication, in marketing his business.

“We also offer samples to new customers, which has helped us in building a loyal customer base. Many women come back regularly, believing in the benefits," he said.

Ms Zena Sikujua, who runs a small juice shop in Mwenge, says there has been a steady increase in the juice demand, especially among women.

“Our emphasis has been providing clients with natural and healthful juices, which has been effective in attracting and retaining customers," he said.

The trend of drinking okra juice for vaginal lubrication is widespread.

The testimonials and beliefs of the users highlight the psychological and cultural factors influencing the trend.

However, the lack of scientific evidence supporting the belief remains a daunting health challenge among Dar es Salaam residents and Tanzanians at large.

Speaking to The Citizen, a nutritionist expert from the Mwanza-based Bugando Medical Centre, Ms Hellen Bihongoye, said there was no scientific evidence that supported the growing belief.

"The mucous in okra is not directly absorbed into the bloodstream in a way that would affect vaginal lubrication. Okra is indeed a nutritious vegetable with numerous health benefits,” she said.

“Its high mucilage content gives a slippery texture when cooked. It is believed to facilitate digestion and may provide a soothing effect on the digestive tract,” she adds.

Ms Bihongoye says the lubricant is influenced by various factors, including hydration, hormonal balance, and overall health.

She said while staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet can help maintain healthy bodily functions, relying solely on okra juice for vaginal lubrication is not scientifically supported.

According to her, it is crucial to emphasise holistic health practices that include maintaining vaginal health through a combination of good hydration, balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and appropriate medical care.

She said while consuming nutritious foods like okra can be beneficial, relying solely on one food or drink for a specific health outcome is detrimental and unadvisable.