Don’t let kindness cost you: Set workplace boundaries

What you need to know:
- Generosity can sometimes lead to being taken for granted; it’s crucial to take a stand and protect your time and energy. Remember, your willingness to help others should never come at the cost of your well-being.
I was told a tale recently about an employee who was the office “go-to” person. If you were in a jam, he was your guy. It didn’t matter if he was not in your department; he was a helper who wanted to see the company succeed. However, as is often the case in such stories, his kindness was met with ingratitude.
Over time, office employees began to take advantage of his generosity, assigning him tasks simply because they knew he would willingly oblige. But one fateful day, he realised he was due for a well-deserved salary increase, thanks to his tireless work ethic and immense value to the team.
Gathering his courage, he approached management to ask for a raise, only to be met with a flat denial. Feeling frustrated yet unable to speak up, he just never showed up to work again. Rumour has it that the once-thriving company crumbled and never recovered.
If you’re tired of your co-workers asking you to do things they could do for themselves, you need to take a lesson from this cautionary tale. Recognise your worth and set clear boundaries before your kindness is taken for granted, ensuring that your contributions are valued rather than exploited.
Here are three effective ways to establish those boundaries:
Practise saying no gracefully: Don’t hesitate to express your limits openly. If a colleague asks for help with a task that falls outside your responsibilities, kindly but firmly let them know your current workload and that you can't take on additional tasks at the moment. It’s important to learn how to say no without feeling guilty. This might sound like, “I appreciate you thinking of me, but I’m unable to take on any extra projects right now.”
Prioritise your tasks: Keep a clear list of your own responsibilities and deadlines. When someone approaches you with a request, you can refer to your list and explain how your current commitments prevent you from assisting. Your time and efforts are valuable and should be dedicated to your own work first.
Tango it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by co-workers constantly asking you to do things they could handle themselves, it’s time to consider a tool like Tango. Tango empowers you to create step-by-step instructions for any process, allowing you to demonstrate the task just once. After that, you can simply share the Tango link with your colleagues, enabling them to refer back to it whenever they need guidance in the future.
Your email or note in which you have attached the Tango could entail something like: “I want to make sure I’m not holding you back and that you can easily access what you need moving forward. So, I’ve attached a Tango with all the instructions you’ll need.”
Generosity can sometimes lead to being taken for granted; it’s crucial to take a stand and protect your time and energy. The tale of the overworked employee serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of establishing boundaries in the workplace.
Remember, your willingness to help others should never come at the cost of your own well-being. Ultimately, by setting boundaries, you empower not just yourself but also your colleagues to grow and thrive independently. So take charge and let your professional journey reflect your true value!
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