How to handle illness as a solopreneur

What you need to know:

  • Your health should be your priority, beating yourself up for getting sick will not aid your recovery instead make sure you rest and take care of yourself.

As a solo entrepreneur, getting sick can be a challenging situation since it can delay projects and affect your productivity. It happens and a few weeks ago, I encountered a particularly challenging situation where my immune system was crying out for rest while my project deadlines were looming large.

The frustration I felt with my body was immense, especially with pressing client projects on the horizon. My health and productivity goals were at odds, and I had no choice but to make some difficult phone calls.

I reached out to my clients, subjecting them to my croaky voice and incessant coughs, to inform them that I wouldn't be able to meet the deadlines. It was a tough moment, to say the least.

While I was recuperating over the next few days I had time to evaluate my situation. Based on my personal experience, I can offer some advice for solopreneurs who fall ill. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Remember that you are human. Don’t beat yourself up about getting sick, it happens. Your health should be your priority, beating yourself up for getting sick will not aid your recovery instead make sure you rest and take care of yourself. If your illness requires medical attention, make sure you seek medical help promptly.
  2. Communicate with your clients. Have the hard conversations as soon as possible, and let your clients know that you're under the weather and that you may experience delays in completing their projects. This will help manage their expectations and prevent any misunderstandings.
  3. Plan for contingencies ahead of time. Develop a plan and or budget to handle emergencies such as: reimbursing clients, offering a discount, altering timelines, or hiring staff on a temporary basis.
  4. Consider outsourcing. If you have a backlog of work or projects that need urgent attention, consider outsourcing to a freelancer or contractor. This will ensure that your projects are completed on time and your reduced workload can help you catch up on time needed to recover.

Remember, it is essential to prioritise your health. Neglecting your health can have severe consequences, and it can also hinder your ability to run your business effectively in the future. Take the time you need to focus on your recovery. Recover fully and come back stronger.

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