Quotes from previous Rising Woman Initiative candidates

Assistant Secretary-General- UNEP, Joyce Msuya

What you need to know:

  • The project’s goal is to honour and recognise women in leadership and the last three editions of The Citizen's Rising Woman Initiative has brought to the forefront phenomenal female leaders across Tanzania.

Joyce Msuya

Assistant Secretary General-Cum-Deputy:UNEP

I always create a village anywhere I live. This helps me to get people who support me and my family. Prioritising is also important. When we had young children, I never took jobs that required a lot of travelling because I wanted to be home. That meant my career had to grow slowly. Prayers have also helped me a lot.

Zena Said

Chief Secretary – Zanzibar Revolutionary Government

It is very important for new couples to talk before they decide to start a family. They need to sit down and frankly share their expectations. This will help them set up arrangements that would support the woman’s career growth as well.

Regional Manager - NSSF

Most women marry and have children in the first five to seven years of the career and their focus is not on the professional achievement at this time. However men tend to use this period to advance by taking graduate studies, certifications and seeking promotions.

Kai Mollel

Founder & Co Founder Kom Solutions & Stadi Virtual Hub

I have been in rooms with as little as one percent of female voices, which always provides a challenge in discussing female-related issues. We need to bring in more women in these spaces so we can broaden our perspectives as well as hear many voices.

Doxa Mbapila

Partner - Endoxa Law

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When I joined the sector, it was a man’s club, so my task was to open doors for myself and then stay the course. Once I was inside, I had to prove myself.

Jackline Silaa

Legal Advisor - Songas

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We have grown in societies where men are the breadwinners of households, they are the ones that work. This has, for the longest time played a big role in influencing certain work spaces to be male dominated.

Women also limit themselves due to the self-doubt that they do not belong in those particular spaces. This has overtime, made gender inequality grow thicker by the day.

Noela Bomani Tukamazina

Head of HR & Admin - TADB

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You speak about faith, I prayed. You speak about technical lead, I did it. My performance was excellent but there were so many factors that as women, we tend to miss and think people will just see you just because you are a good performer, kind and nice.

Beatrice Johnson

Director - Light for Domestic Workers (LDW)

My message to society is to end those traditions that destroy women and girls. Had it not been for my mother marrying another man, I wouldn’t have gone through what I went through.

I believe with such practices many girls are missing out chances to realise their dreams and regret to be born.

Bulla Boma

Co-Founder and Director - HEBO Group Company Limited

My parents have always been very supportive, and all my siblings are girls. So we grew up in an environment where our parents made sure we were enabled in almost everything, and since I never grew up with boys at home I never had that feeling that men could do better than women.

What matters to me are the skills we have as human beings and what we can bring to the table. Hence, my ability to deliver in projects started early.

Saida Manane

Early Years Coordination and Head Teacher - GGM

Early in my career, I tended to react negatively in certain situations, but through the coaching and guidance I have received, I now take a more level-headed and calm approach, whether diplomatic or otherwise, with a 360° view of how my next action may affect not only the resolution of the situation, but also the impact, whether on another team member or another department. Sometimes I had to step aside and be patient for an autonomous outcome.