Sadc adopts declaration to protect persons with albinism

What you need to know:

  • The declaration is the latest regional efforts to ensure upholding of the rights of persons with albinism who have been encountering different forms of violence.

Dar es Salaam. The meeting of the heads of state from the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) have adopted and signed a declaration which seeks to protect persons with albinism and address their challenges.

The declaration is the latest regional efforts to ensure upholding of the rights of persons with albinism who have been encountering different forms of violence.

The Sadc leaders met on Saturday August 17, 2024 for the 44th ordinary summit in Harare, Zimbabwe.

“(The) summit adopted and signed the Sadc Declaration on the Protection of Persons with Albinism, signifying the collective resolve of Sadc Member States to take necessary measures at the regional and national levels to address the challenges faced by the persons with albinism,” a communique of the meeting stated.

The persons with albinism face violations of their human rights in various forms, ranging from stigma and discrimination, low access to health and education services, as well as, social and political exclusion.

Sadc has been condemning, in the strongest terms, all forms of violations and abuse against the persons living with albinism around the world.

People with albinism are often stigmatised due to their appearance but it is in Africa where they suffer the worst discrimination and violence due to their supposed magical powers.

Under The Same Sun, an association working to combat discrimination and has been logging cases of violence across Africa, ranks Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania as the countries where such attacks are most prevalent.

In one of the latest cases in Tanzania, a two-year-old Asimwe Novath was abducted on May 30, 2024, from his home in Muleba District of Kagera region. Her body parts were tragically found on June 17, 2024, discarded under a bridge.

Nine suspects were arraigned in the Bukoba District Magistrate's Court on charges of premeditated murder.