‘How sea cucumber farming is changing our lives’

A tutor at the Fisheries, Education and Training Agency (Feta) located in Mikindani Campus, Mtwara Region, Ms Salma Chatto showing to this journalist cages used for sea cucumber farming.
PHOTO | Haika Kimaro

What you need to know:

  • Despite their low profile among many Tanzanian, sea cucumber has potential of transforming lives of many people economically, and those who have ventured into the business have good tales to share

Mtwara. Many Tanzanians are not aware of a sea creature known as sea cucumber, a marine animal which affects lives of many people.

It is also one of endangered species in the world. Its existence is threatened by the climate change among other things.

But, despite their low profile among many Tanzanians, sea cucumber has potential of transforming lives of many people economically. Those who have ventured into the sea cucumber farming have good tales to share.

Apart from earning a farmer some money, sea cucumber are also important in keeping marine environment safe. This is so important at this time when the world is fighting to mitigate unfavourable weather changes caused by climate change.

Sea cucumber is particularly one of important products in the blue economy. In addition to providing employment to many people, sea cucumber can also be used a food and a major source of nutrition. Because of their high demand globally, sea cucumber can be one of major export products if its farming is taken serious.

Low production cost

Those who do not have the right information might think that farming sea cucumber is expensive. That is a mistake belief. In fact, you can venture into this business just by construction of a cage and purchase of its seeds.

Current market information show a kilo of sea cucumber is sold at between Sh150,000 and Sh350,000, depending on quality. Name any one crop which fetches this price in the country!

If you count in production value chain of the sea cucumber you will realize that the product has high economic potential.

Chairman of Kaole Group, which engages in sea cucumber farming in Bagamoyo, Ibrahim Yusuph, says they started farming sea cucumber in 2020 and they have managed to raise 200,000 sea cucumbers so far.

“We are expecting to harvest them in November this year and it is our hope that we will have good harvest,” he says.

He said he developed the idea of engaging in sea cucumber farming when serving as seaman in fishing trawlers.

“Sea cucumber farming is very lucrative activity if you follow the requirements. So, when I left my earlier job I came back and asked some of my colleague why we should not team up for sea cucumber farming and they agreed after I showed them how profitable the undertaking is.

“In 2020 we started but in the first season production was low given our inexperience. In the following two years we harvested 660 kilograms. It is our hope that our harvests will keep on increasing as we continue to improve the farming,” he says.

He says the government has set Sh180,000 as an indicative price for a kilo of sea cucumber. He says this price is not too bad as it covers their production costs.

“We have also started selling sea cucumber seeds to new people who have decided to engage in thus activity. One chick goes at Sh400,” he elaborates.

A sea cucumber farmer from Somanga, Kilwa District in Lindi Region, Ally Machalila, says he started sea cucumber farming after receiving training at Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) earlier this year.

“After the training I saw the opportunity in sea cucumber farming, I decided to encourage some of my colleagues including Somanga Woman Group, who agreed with me. We are now in the final stages starting the business after obtaining area for our first farm. We have planned to start with 20,000 sea cucumbers,” he says.

According to Machalila, sea cucumbers look for food for themselves therefore there is no cost of feeding them. He says apart from the cost of buying the seeds there is no other cost involved in keeping the animals until you harvest.

Machalila notes that apart from receiving training from FETA, he is also collaborating with WWF to execute a number of projects aimed at ensuring marine resources and environment are protected and sea cucumber farming is one of activities which supports that goal.

Another sea cucumber farmer, Amani Rusake from Mtwara District, says he started sea cucumber farming last year and now he has 1,500 sea cucumber. He said he got motivation to venture into the business the government which has been insisting on blue economy in recent months.

“Until now in Mtwara there are 20 sea cucumber farmers and every one has his own cage. Many cages are located at Mikindani, Mtwara Rural, Msangamkuu and Msimbati,” he narrates.

Rusake says availability of chicks is a major challenge they are facing now. He may they get seeds from Bagamoyo but many would die before reaching Mtwara because of challenges of transporting the chicks.

Another farmer, Osmund Joseph, asked the government to quicken its plans to build a hatchery in the southern regions. She says the move will ensure that they have enough seeds and this might encourage many people to engage in sea cucumber farming.

Training agency

A tutor from FETA, Mikindani Campus, Salma Chatto, says they have been offering theory and practical training to many people who later become farmers. She notes that part of their training include how to make the cages, taking care of the sea cucumbers so as to get quality produce which can compete in the international market.

“Sea cucumber farming is emerging as a new lucrative activity which attracts many people in coastal areas,” she says adding:

“Because most of the sea cucumber are exported there is potential of increasing forex earnings of the production increases.”

She says FETA has already training about 68 who were sponsored by the government. In Mafia some 41 have also benefited from the training with the support from WWF. They have since increased number of Beach Management Units (BMUs) in Mafia. There are also other people from Mtwara who received the training sponsored by NGOs and two who supported themselves.

“We started offering training in May 2022 and so far the response is encouraging. We have already conducted a research along the coastline from Tanga to Mtwara and established that many areas are fit for sea cucumber farming. There is a lot of potential from this activity and Tanzanians should grab it before it is too late,” she says.

Ms Salma says sea cucumber eat organic waste, dust, mercury, fertilizer residue and other harmful chemicals thus helping to keep the ocean clean. This helps other marine animals like fish to flourish.

“Sea cucumber basic food is waste which enter the sea from the land. You can regard them as cleaners and they keep the marine environment safe for other animals. That is why a farmer does not have to feed them. Once you buy chicks for the first time, you are done as they reproduce themselves after that,” elaborates Ms Salma.

Assistant Director of aquatic animals’ development, Dr Hamisi Nikuli, says the ministry was aware of the challenge of availability of chicks.

“That is why the government has started constructing hatcheries for production of sea cucumbers and other fish varieties including crab chicks,” he says.

He says that the government has already started construction of Ruvula hatchery whose construction is expected to be completed in the near future with plan to construction another centre in Kunduchi, Dar es Salaam in advanced stage. There are also plans to rehabilitate Machui hatchery in Tanga with parent stock already secured.

“In the meantime, we asked farmers to look for chicks in shallow waters but it seems only those in Kaole Group in Bagamoyo are doing so,” says Dr Nikuli.


Dr Nikuli says because sea cucumber farming was still a new business undertaking, this year farmers in the country have collectively produced only 860kg of dry sea cucumber which have been exported.

“Currently we have 39 groups with average of 10 people each. There era also 24 individuals who have already starts sea cucumber farming in the country. There are also 68 people who have been trained in Lindi and we expect number of sea cucumber farmers to increase,” he says.

WWF Tanzania

WWF conservation manager, Dr Lawrence Mbwambo, says sea cucumbers are one of important creatures in conservation. Besides, they are one of expensive marine products.

He said given that they have been collaborating with other stakeholders to make sure that they create environments which allows sea cucumbers to flourish.

“Animals and environment depend on one another. They all have a right to life and we would not like to see some creatures disappear due to our failure to take care of the environment,” he says.