Coca-Cola to spend Sh1.2bn in promotion

The head of marketing and sales at Nyanza Bottlers, Mr Japhet Kisusi speaks about the company’s new promotional drive yesterday. With him is the finance manager, Mr Harish Nair. PHOTO|MICHAEL JAMSON

What you need to know:

  • Dubbed the ‘the deal is under the crown’, the campaign – a brainchild of Coca-Cola’s Nyanza Bottlers Company – will see various consumers winning a total of Sh400 million in cash prizes, 100 motorbikes and Sony LED TV sets (32 inches), according to the head of marketing and sales at Nyanza Bottlers, Mr Japhet Kisusi

Mwanza. Coca-Cola will dish out various prizes and cash amounting to a total of Sh1.2 billion during the 10 weeks of promoting its products in the Lake Zone, the company announced yesterday.

Dubbed the ‘the deal is under the crown’, the campaign – a brainchild of Coca-Cola’s Nyanza Bottlers Company – will see various consumers winning a total of Sh400 million in cash prizes, 100 motorbikes and Sony LED TV sets (32 inches), according to the head of marketing and sales at Nyanza Bottlers, Mr Japhet Kisusi

To participate, Lake Zone residents will only be required purchase any of Coca-Cola brands, including Coca-Cola itself, Fanta, Spar-letta, Tangawizi and Novida. “This is our way of thanking our consumers who continue to support us by choosing our products… we have also held similar promotions in the past as we try to give back to our esteemed customers by changing their lives in one way or another through these prizes,” said Kasusi.

He said for a consumer to find out what they have won, they would have to peel under-layer and look under the crown. Cash prizes to be won range from Sh5000, Sh10,000 and Sh100,000.

“To find out whether you have won a motorcycle, all you have to do is collect 3 crowns, one showing the front image of a motorcycle, another one showing the middle part and the last one showing the rear image of a motorcycle,” elaborated Kasusi.

Images of other prizes including TV sets, caps, T-shirts and soda will also be sketched under the crown. All free sodas can be collected instantly at retail shops, while caps and T-shirts can be collected at key distributors points, direct sales trucks and all Nyanza bottling depots.