NBC launches new agency banking

The NBC director of Retail Banking, Mr Filbert Mponzi (right) explains to one of the NBC Agency Banking agents, Mr Humud Ali Salum (left), on the use of POS machines to serve customers during the launch of the NBC Agency Banking in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Second left is NBC managing director Theobald Sabi. PHOTO | COURTESY OF NBC
Dar es Salaam. Investors interested in financial services will now have opportunities to do so, after NBC Limited launched NBC agency banking for both NBC customers and non-customers.
Speaking during the launch yesterday, NBC managing director Theobald Sabi said this will enable the bank to offer services to clients and non-clients without visiting the branches.
‘Through agency banking, NBC will make customers get financial services in their closest areas. Through our network of over 50 branches and more than 200 ATMs all over the country which makes NBC Bank close to its customers,” Mr Sabi said.
Mr Sabi said that for over 50 years NBC customers have been loyal to the bank and therefore it’s our right to make sure banking services are made easier for them.
The launch of NBC agency banking is one of NBC bank initiative to serve its customers in a more efficient and quick manner.
“We are committed to our NBC agency banking because it will extend our financial services to all Tanzanians all over the country,” he said.
NBC Agency Banking is an opportunity to all entrepreneurs who want to participate in business of banking services. I call upon all businessmen who want to take part in NBC Agency Banking to come up now, said Mr Sabi.
Sabi added that whoever wants to an agent of NBC Agency banking, he or she should have a valid business license, a permanent business place and should be in business for more than two years.
NBC Agency Banking will provide services such as money withdrawal, money deposits and balance check.
Agency Banking is a concept whereby a commercial bank contracts an entity or individual to provide specific services on its behalf.