Chadema protest scuttled by police

Chadema supporters with placards demonstrate at Manzese in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The protest was aimed at opposing the ongoing Constituent Assembly meetings in Dodoma. PHOTO|EMMANUEL HERMAN
What you need to know:
- The protesters had gathered at around 09.45am at Manzese in Kinondoni District as they made their way through the area’s streets to the party’s main offices.
Dar es Salaam. Business came to a standstill yesterday in some sections of the city when police were forced to use tear gas to disperse supporters of the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) who were gathered to protest against the Constituent Assembly (CA) going on in Dodoma.
The protesters had gathered at around 09.45am at Manzese in Kinondoni District as they made their way through the area’s streets to the party’s main offices. But before they reached their destination the police force arrived and started spraying tear gas all over them in an attempt to disperse them.
The drama lasted for about 40 minutes as most of the supporters entered the busy market area in the suburb to escape the law enforcers.
Chadema chairman for Ubungo Boniface Jacob told this paper that their plan was to go as far as Kinondoni Municipal Council offices where they were to present their grievances.
“We are planning to go as far as the municipal council, our aim is to protest the ongoing Constituent Assembly in Dodoma because it is a waste of tax payers money,” he said.
Chaotic scenes have been witnessed in Dar and other parts of the country as police and Chadema supporters engage in a cat and mouse battle since Mr Freeman Mbowe, the party’s national chairman was called for interrogations at the police headquarters.
During the party’s national executive committees, Mr Mbowe is said to have announced the beginning of the countrywide demonstrations against the ongoing Consitituent Assembly in Dodoma.
The call for countrywide demonstrations to protest the Constituent Assembly sittings in Dodoma prompted the police to call Mr Mbowe for a statement while scores of people, including journalists covering the event at the headquarters of the home affairs ministry, were injured when they came under attack from baton-wielding officers.
Since then armed police have been patrolling the city’s streets, ready to stop the demonstration.