Kiwira coal mine expansion on the books

Kiwira coal mine
What you need to know:
Currently, Stamico was looking for a contractor to develop the project and processed to assign the contractor might be completed in December this year.
Dodoma. Construction of a coal to electricity project at Kiwira coal mine will start next year, according to the deputy minister for Energy and Minerals, Mr Medard Kalemani informed Parliament today.
He noted that the State Mining Corporation, Stamico, will spend a total of $500 million to develop the project. Preparatory work for the development of the project was in advanced stage.
“In 2015/16 Stamico was able to complete the last draft of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the 200MW power plant open cast project including a 100km 400kv transmission line from Kiwira to Mwakibete in Mbeya,” he said.
He said currently, Stamico was looking for a contractor to develop the project and processed to assign the contractor might be completed in December this year.