'Mind what you post online', expert tells students

Dar es Salaam. Government has embarked on creating awareness among school children on the essentials of cyber security and how to be mindful of what they post.

Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Assistant Director of Cyber Security Eng. Stephen Wangwe, urged students to be mindful of what they post online to avoid any things that can ruin their future lives.

"What you post online can ruin or build your life’s goals, particularly at personal or a career level. That means, if you post something questionable or offensive to society, expect to have a negative impact on your life,” he said.

He made remarks during a special tour at Jangwani Secondary School, the visit was part and parcel of observing the worldwide Cyber Security Month of Awareness which is conducted every October to raise awareness in various media outlets, schools, institutions and social media platforms.

Eng. Wangwe told students that there were two critical things to consider when dealing with cyber security, namely avoidance of oversharing personal information and activities and engagement of enforcement agencies when detecting suspicious activities.

Africa Information Communication Technology Alliance (AfICTA), board director and also a cyber security and digital forensics expert Mr. Yusuph Kileo explained to the students that privacy is a primal tool that one must adapt to everyday use.

“Security starts with individuals.  When generating privacy, one should build a tendency of changing his/her passwords constantly, while ensuring that they are strong, undetectable passwords,” he said.

 “How can we prevent stolen phones especially when personal passwords are also being stolen along with money?,” asked Gertrude Nelson John, Form Six Student at Jangwani Girls Secondary School.

 Students praised the government efforts for taking an initiative to raise awareness about cyber security.

They explained that it was an honor for them to meet experts with cyber expectations, adding that this would help them understand clearly on issues related to cyber security and social media.

A form six student Ms. Anna Dennis Ngowi explained that many teenagers have faced cyber bullying without knowing where to seek help.

 “So this occasion comes at the right time and an opportunity to learn things that can help us share and transfer knowledge to others about Cyber Security as well as cyber bullying issues,” she said.