'Ruvu River 7 bodies' placed under investigation

Home Affairs minister Mwigulu Nchemba has said a special team has been formed to investigate the matter related to the seven bodies found on Ruvu River recently.
What you need to know:
- He said the outcome of the investigation will be made public. Mr Nchemba was addressing 200 police officers in Kibaha on Monday.
- He said reports that claim the bodies found wrapped in polythene bags were of undocumented immigrants were mere speculations because it was only after proper investigation that it would be categorically established who these people were and how they met their end.
Kibaha. Home Affairs minister Mwigulu Nchemba has said a special team has been formed to investigate the matter related to the seven bodies found on Ruvu River recently.
He said the outcome of the investigation will be made public. Mr Nchemba was addressing 200 police officers in Kibaha on Monday.
He said reports that claim the bodies found wrapped in polythene bags were of undocumented immigrants were mere speculations because it was only after proper investigation that it would be categorically established who these people were and how they met their end.
“While you continue with your fact finding duty over the matter, you should also deal with killings of village leaders in the Coast Region. This is my challenge to you,” Mr Nchemba said. During the year, nine village leaders have been killed in separate incidents in Coast Region, according to reports.
The minister ordered the police in the country to effectively deal with all sorts of crime that pose threat to the peace, security and cultural values of Tanzania. He said terrorism, homosexuality, killings and armed robbery cannot be tolerated.
“The challenges facing you including housing, working tools, promotion and salary increment are your rights. I promise to find solutions to these. This will happen in the current or next budget. So, don’t get discouraged, just keep on fighting and arresting criminals so that we can teach them a lesson,” Mr Nchemba said.
With regard to insufficient supply of fuel to the Police Force, Mr Nchemba said it was one of the areas troubling him as plans were underway to modernise the police.
Earlier, Kibaha Urban MP Silvester Koka underlinned the challenges facing his constituents, including the fact that most of the police stations remain closed at night.
According to Mr Koka, other challenges include few and worn out working tools at police stations and a shortage of fuel for patrol vehicles. He said the police stations were supposed to be open 24 hours.
He asked the ministry to address such challenges so that the police could work more efficiently.
Coast regional Police Commander Boniventure Mushongi asked the ministry to work on the views of officers.
They include promotions, timely salary payments and training, which he said should be offered to all police officers without segregating those, who lost their limbs in the line of duty.