47 CCM members step forward to vie for East African Legislative Assembly Seat

What you need to know:

  • The election is to take place following the death of an EALA member from CCM, Dr. Shongo Sedoyeka, who died on June 13, 2024.

Dar es Salaam. At least 47 members from the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party have stepped forward to contest a single seat in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

The election is to take place following the death of an EALA member from CCM, Dr. Shongo Sedoyeka, who died on June 13, 2024.

The Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania is required to hold a by-election to fill the position, according to the EALA rules.

The process of collecting and returning forms, which took place six days ago, started on August 10 and concluded yesterday, on August 15.

The form collection and submission process took place at the CCM Headquarters in Dodoma, the CCM Main Office in Zanzibar, and the CCM Sub-office in Dar es Salaam.

Discussing the process, the Dodoma coordinator, Mr Saad Kusilawe, said the activity concluded with 22 members stepping forward to collect forms in the region.

"In Dar es Salaam, 24 members collected forms, but in Zanzibar only one came forward," Mr Kusilawe said.

He added that after the closure of collecting and submitting forms, the next step would be to review all the aspirants, whose names would be screened by the National Executive Committee before the Members of Parliament vote.

The by-election will take place at the 16th Meeting of Parliament, which is programmed to start on August 27, 2024.