Another CCM cadre killed in Kibiti

What you need to know:
- Mr Mtulia who is the CCM Secretary of Bungu Ward in the district was shot dead by unknown assailants in front of his family as he was preparing to take a bath.
Dar es Salaam. A wave of killings in Kibiti District, Coast Region has reached an alarming stage after another Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) cadre, Mr Arife Mtulia was killed yesterday.
Mr Mtulia who is the CCM Secretary of Bungu Ward in the district was shot dead by unknown assailants in front of his family as he was preparing to take a bath.
Our correspondent in the district says the deceased’s body has this morning been taken to Kibiti Health Centre for medical examinations.
Coast Regional Police Commander (RPC), Onesmo Lyanga confirmed this report, saying that police officers were already at the scene and that investigation on the incident has been launched.
Reacting on the news, Kigoma Urban MP, Mr Zitto Kabwe said on his Twitter account, “Mkuranga, Kibiti and Rufiji (#MKIRU) killings are not getting attention deserving. Minister @mwigulunchemba1, it is 30 people now, RIP Mtulia”.
The Saturday killing is the latest in a string of assaults targeting politicians and security officers in the Regions especially in the notorious towns of Mkuranga, Kibiti and Rufiji that saw eight police officers killed last month in Kibiti after being attacked by unknown people.