Bernard Membe returns to CCM fold after four years

Bernard Membe a former presidential candidate in October 2020 polls on the ACT-Wazalendo ticket.
What you need to know:
- According to Shaka, the former diplomat and presidential aspirant on ACT –Wazalendo ticket reportedly wrote a letter seeking readmission to the party.
Dodoma. Former Foreign Affairs minister Bernard Membe has returned to ruling party Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in announcement that was made by the party’s Secretary of Publicity and Ideology Shaka Hamdu Shaka in Dodoma on March 31.
The decision to readmit Mr Membe was announced at a press conference in Dodoma where the party is expected to hold a special session on Friday April 1.
According to Shaka, the former diplomat and presidential aspirant on ACT –Wazalendo ticket reportedly wrote a letter seeking readmission to the party.
Four years ago, on February 28, 2020 the ruling party CCM made the decision to expel Mr Bernard Membe at a decision that was reached during the Central Committee (CC) meeting that among other things received and discussed a report submitted by its Ethics and Security committee.
The committee was ordered to summon and question Mr Membe and former secretary generals Abdulrahman Kinana and Yusuph Makamba for an alleged misconduct indicating serious diversion from party ethics and traditions.
Reading the CC resolutions at the CCM Lumumba offices, the then party secretary of Ideology and Publicity Humphrey Polepole said the decision to strip Mr Membe of membership was reached after following the trend of his behavior since 2014.
“He has been committing ethical violations since 2014 and received various warnings that intended to give him opportunity to change his behavior something he hasn’t. Therefore, the CC has resolved to strip off his party membership,” Mr Polepole said then.