Brace for two days of heavy rains in Dar es Salaam, TMA warns

Dar es Salaam. Authorities have warned people living along valleys in the city about the heavy rains that are set to continue in three regions.
According to Tanzania Metrological Authority (TMA), the regions include Dar es Salaam, Pwani and Zanzibar.
TMA explained in a statement, that heavy rainfall is expected to rain for two consecutive days in Dar es Salaam as well as the coastal and Morogoro regions.
TMA’s Ladislaus Chan’ga said people especially those residing in valleys should take the forecast seriously.
He said that what is happening now is due to the weather predicted in February 22, this year’s. TMA predicated that Dar es Salaam, coastal, Zanzibar and Mororgoro would receive above normal rains.
“Residents should brace themselves for some days of above-normal rains, which could have some impacts on transport and water there are also chances of the potential occurrence of extreme weather events that are expected to affect transport and infrastructure,” he said.
According to him, some of the areas will be expected to be surrounded by water, destruction of infrastructure that might affect economic activities.
Mr Chan’ga said they will continue to monitor the trends of weather systems and provide information to citizens for them to continue taking precautions.