CAG Prof Assad arrives at Parliament for grilling over ‘Weak Bunge’ remarks
Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Prof Mussa Assad
What you need to know:
-Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Prof Mussa Assad arrived at Parliament grounds on Monday, January 21, 2019 where will be grilled by the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee over allegations that he disrespected the legislative body following his recent ‘Weak Bunge’ remarks.
-On January 7, 2019, Speaker of Parliament Job Ndugai ordered Prof Assad to appear before the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee and respond to allegations of disrespecting the legislative body.
Dodoma. Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Prof Mussa Assad arrived at Parliament grounds on Monday, January 21, 2019 where he will be grilled by the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee over allegations that he disrespected the legislative body following his recent ‘weak Bunge’ remarks.
On January 7, 2019, Speaker of Parliament Job Ndugai ordered Prof Assad to appear before the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee and respond to allegations of disrespecting the legislative body.
Mr Ndugai went further, demanding that should Prof Assad fail to honour the summons, then he would be brought before the committee while in handcuffs.
After a heated debate -- that tore the nation into two opposition groups as one supported the Speaker’s move while yet another group vehemently opposed it -- Prof Assad finally opened up last week, saying he would honour the summons and appear before the committee.
And, true to his promise, Prof Assad entered Parliament grounds at 10:49 AM on Monday, 21 January 2019.
He was in a white vehicle with government registration numbers but this time around, he had to undergo the normal security checks when entering Mr Ndugai’s territory.
He went through security machines and was thus required to take off his belt, shoes, jacket, spectacles and wristwatch.
Upon entering the House, Prof Assad was welcomed by an assistant to Mr Ndugai, Mr Said Yakubu, who sought his signature on the visitors’ book.
He officially appeared before the committee, which was chaired by Mr Emanueli Mwakasaka (CCM – Tabora Urban), at 11:01 AM.
After that, Mr Emanueli Mwakasaka ordered journalists out for the grilling to start.
The bone of contention between the two public office bearers started several days ago when speaking during an interview with the United Nations’ Kiswahili Service, Prof Assad said his institution prepares audit reports – portraying that some money has been misused in some areas - which are to be worked on by the Parliament.
“If we are producing reports yet no action is being taken, to me, that’s the weakness of the Parliament….I believe it is a challenge that will be worked on….The Parliament is failing to exercise its responsibilities effectively” he said.
But in response, Mr Ndugai said on Monday, January 07, 2019 that Prof Assad, who formerly taught accounting at the University of Dar es Salaam in the capacity of Associate Professor, should stand before the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee on January 21.
“If it is the issue of fabrication, then the CAG and his office are also fabricators. You can’t speak badly of your country when you are in a foreign country,” said the vividly angered Ndugai.
He said he has personally been frustrated by Prof Assad’s utterance. “I never expected an educated person of Prof Assad’s caliber to speak such words. He has embarrassed a parliament that has more educated people than at any other time since independent,” he said.