Dar residents to face water shortage

Dar es Salaam. The Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (Dawasa) has announced expected water rationing in some areas, stating the reason to be a decrease in water by 12 percent.
The rationing, which officially starts with effect today, will last for 12 hours depending on the area location.
Dawasa Chief Executive Officer, Mr Cyprian Luhemeja said that despite the rationing, no area will be affected more than the other and water will be available in schedules.
Luhemeja said the decision was reached following a reduction in water production from 520 million liters to 460 million liters per day.
The decline is a result of climate change, including temperature increase, reduction of rainfall and drought.
"Following this situation, we are announcing the rationing of water while we continue to address the issue but we assure the residents of the city of Dar es Salaam no one will go out of water,” Luhemeja said.
"Water will be supplied according to a schedule set by Dawasa regionals manager," he added.
However, Luhemeja has urged residents of Dar and coastal regions to save the water and stop using running water to irrigate flowers and gardens during the rationing period.
"The amount of water available is small so it is important that we have a good water usage plan. If you can, please save so you can use when the rationing schedule reaches your area," he said.