DART closes Morogoro Road due to flooding
Dar es Salaam. The Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit Agency (DART) has closed Morogoro Road at the Jangwani area today, Thursday, May 9, 2024, due to heavy rainfall which has caused flooding in various parts of the country, including in Dar es Salaam.
A public announcement issued by DART stated that due to the closure of that area, buses from Kimara to Kivukoni and Gerezani will terminate at Magomeni Mapipa.
Furthermore, the Dart bus transportation service continues to operate in the city center via Muhimbili and Gerezani and from Kimara to Moroco.
Also, bus services in the Dart system are running as usual from Kimara to Mbezi, Kimara to Kibaha, and Kimara to Mlonganzila.
This is not the first time the area has been closed when heavy rains occur. It has become a common occurrence that whenever it rains heavily, water accumulates on the roads, prompting the agency to suspend services.