Dodoma metropolis master plan now put under review

What you need to know:
- In May, President John Magufuli disbanded the Capital Development Authority (CDA) and directed that its property and responsibilities be transferred to the Dodoma Municipal Council in a move aimed to do away with confusion in the provision of services to members of the public.
The local authorities here have started reviewing the Dodoma master plan three months after they were mandated to strategise and oversee the development of the designated capital.
In May, President John Magufuli disbanded the Capital Development Authority (CDA) and directed that its property and responsibilities be transferred to the Dodoma Municipal Council in a move aimed to do away with confusion in the provision of services to members of the public.
In an exclusive interview to The Citizen, the assistant administrative secretary for Infrastructure in the Office of the Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Mr Barnabas Mwalukasa, said the review focused on improving the master plan to ensure professional development of the Dodoma metropolis.
“The on-going process is aimed at developing a master plan that will not only comply with President Magufuli’s directives, but also ensure that the capital city is developed into a modern city that caters for current and future needs,” he revealed.
Recently, experts from Kenya-based UN-Habitant met with officials from Dodoma’s Institute of Rural Development Planning, Ardhi University and the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) to deliberate how the capital city could be constructed into a modern town.
Others who participated int he meeting were district executive directors from all the seven districts of Dodoma Region.
In the meeting, participants developed a deductive action plan to be used as a stick yard by the government during drafting of a master plan for designated capital city of Dodoma.
Over 12,000 hectares have also been allocated for the development of the Government City between Bahi and Bwigiri wards.
The area is expected to include office’s blocks, residences for civil servants, commercial service areas, play grounds, an air strip, and other necessary social services.