Government drags 19 employers to court over labour laws

The Deputy Minister for Labor, Youth, Employment and Disabled Mr Antony Mavunde
What you need to know:
- Nineteen employers taken tocourt for allegedly failing to comply with labor laws.
- This pertains to minimum salary, working hours and leave to workers.
- The matter was raised in the ongoing parliamentary session in Dodoma, during the question-answer session.
Dodoma. The government on Tuesday January 29 said that 19 employers were taken to court during the 2017/18 financial year for allegedly failing to comply with labor laws in regard to minimum salary, working hours and leave to workers.
The Deputy Minister for Labor, Youth, Employment and Disabled Mr Antony Mavunde revealed this in Parliament during the question and answer session.
Mr Mavunde was responding to a question posed by a special seats MP (Chadema) Munira Khatibu who sought to know the position of the government on the matter.
Mr Mavunde also pointed out that in a bid to ensure employers adhered to the laws, the government provided labor officers with the power to fine on the spot the employers an unspecified amount of money and issue compliance order.
"It is theresponsibility of all employers to adhere to the laws or else, the government will spare nobody," said Mr Mavunde.