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Handeni hits gold as new mine is launched in Tanga

What you need to know:

Speaking during the launch of the mine on Thursday August 15, in Kwamsisi village, Handeni District Commissioner Mr Godwin Gondwe commended Kusini Getway Company Limited, which owns the mine for complying with the country’s laws in its operations.

Handeni. More than 600 people are expected to get employment opportunities following the opening of a gold mine in Handeni District, Tanga.

Speaking during the launch of the mine on Thursday August 15, in Kwamsisi village, Handeni District Commissioner Mr Godwin Gondwe commended Kusini Getway Company Limited, which owns the mine for complying with the country’s laws in its operations.

“I commend you (Kusini Getway Company Limited) for being transparent in your operation…you should continue to cooperate with the authorities as well as Handeni residents,” said Mr Gondwe.

On his part the company’s managing director Mr Abdul Wahid said they are expecting to produce between 300 and 600 tonnes of gold concentrates per day.