Health body finds 71 fake personnel

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This was said yesterday by registrar for HLPC Theophil Malibiche when he met with reporters to discuss the duties and resposibilities of his organisation. Mr Malibiche said 71 people posing as laboratory practitioners with fake certificates were discovered during registration by the council.
Dar es Salaam. In an effort by the Health Laboratory Practitioners’ Council (HLPC) to register qualified practitioners, 71 of them have been discovered to possess fake certificates.
This was said yesterday by registrar for HLPC Theophil Malibiche when he met with reporters to discuss the duties and resposibilities of his organisation. Mr Malibiche said 71 people posing as laboratory practitioners with fake certificates were discovered during registration by the council.
“They tried to register themselves without knowing that we have means to communicate with their respective universities...right now their cases are lodged at legal authorities for actions,” said Malibiche.
Since 2010, 7,326 labalatory practitioners have been registered with HLPC. Eight laboratories have international accreditation in the service they provide. In order to ensure those working in laboratories have the requisite qualifications, Mr Malibiche said the council would issue exams to practitioners and only those who would pass would earn parmanent registration.
“Students fresh from school will only be issued with temporary registration, which will require them to take the council’s examination afterwards. We plan to give them special identity cards for easy identification,” he said.
Head of labaratory Services Dickson Majage said for a labaratory to be registered it must have its certificates and that of practitioners.
on the wall
“And a person who posses a certificate can only use it to register two labaratories and they must all be located at the same area.
Eda Bwaula a lecture at the University of Muhimbili called upon any one who notice any unordinary behavior By the labaratory practitioner to report that person to the authority.