JK wins another global award

President Jakaya Kikwete 

What you need to know:

News of the award was released yesterday in a communication delivered to the President at the State House in Dar es Salaam, says a statement issued by the State House.

Dar es Salaam. President Jakaya Kikwete has been named “Icon of Democracy Award” winner for 2014 in Africa, it was announced yesterday.

The award is given by The Voice Magazine Achievers Award committee on behalf of ‘The Voice’ magazine published in the Netherlands.

The fresh accolade for the Tanzanian leader comes only three months after he was awarded “The Most Impactful Leader in Africa 2013” trophy in April this year.

News of the award was released yesterday in a communication delivered to the President at the State House in Dar es Salaam, says a statement issued by the State House.

President Kikwete becomes the second serving African Head of State to bag the award since its inception.

The earlier winner was Mr Earnest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone who won in 2013. Former Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda was handed the same honour in 2012, long after his retirement.

Mr Kikwete who beat three other nominees will officially receive his trophy on October 17, this year, at a special ceremony in the Van der Valk Hotel in the Netherlands. The names of the other two contenders were not immediately known.

The Voice editor, Pastor Elvis Iruh, said the awards committee picked on Kikwete to recognise his leadership track record. “The story of Tanzania’s leadership has been one of success and rare in many other countries,” he said.

Mr Kikwete was also honoured for remaining genuine in his desire to promote democracy and ensuring peace, harmony and development in the African continent’s troubled hotspots.

According to The Voice, the Head of State has been a good example for his peers. The publication points out to the President’s role in solving Kenya’s post-election crisis in 2007.

His contribution in raising the country’s socio-economic development, mainly in education, infrastructure, agriculture and industrial development, also contributed to his win. Others areas are tourism, youth development and availing more leadership opportunities to women.

President Kikwete’s promotion of the Union government and his desire to deliver a new Constitution were also cited as among his strengths.

The Voice magazine strives to foster awareness among the African audience and bridge the widening gap between Continent and the rest of the world in news gathering and dissemination. The Voice is published once every month.