Kisarawe DC launches ‘Operation Jokate’ against invaders of forests

What you need to know:
Ms Mwegelo issued the order in the evening yesterday while in the Ruvu South forest, where she was with members of the district’s defence and security committee together with officials of Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) to remove invaders there.
The new District Commissioner for Kisarawe in coast region, Jokate Mwegelo, on Tuesday August 7 threatened to evict people who have encroached and started farming in the conserved forests of Ruvu South and Kazimzumbwi in the district.
Accompanied by officials from the Tanzania Forest Service Agency (TFS), Ms Mwegelo directed Kasarawe residents who are keeping their livestock and carrying out farming in the forests to leave immediately and voluntarily or else they would be evicted by force.
She was launching her campaign dubbed: “Operesheni Jokate” which is aimed at ensuring forestry areas in Ruvu South are protected and that the residents were following the laws of the land when deciding to occupy certain areas in the district.
Over 150 cattle were seized in the forests on the first day of the operation that is expected to last for 6 days.
“I have been tipped by the Regional Commissioner Evarist Ndikilo about the number of encroachers in this forestry reserve. That’s why we had to begin from here,’’ she told reporters in Kisarawe.
The TFS Zonal Manager, Ms Caroline Makundo, said there encroachers were now being sought day and nigght so that they vacate the areas.