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Lawmaker 'smells' sabotage as EFDs malfunction for three weeks

Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning Dr Ashatu Kijaji addresses the parliament on Wednesday. Photo | Edwin Mjwahuzi

What you need to know:

Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning Dr Ashatu Kijaji quickly responded that Tanzania Revenue Authority was working on the issue. 

Dodoma. Sumve MP Mr Richard Ndassa said on Wednesday in parliament, that it is possible that the ongoing crisis of malfunctioning electronic fiscal devices (EFDs) is a case of intentional sabotage. The devices have been malfunctioning for three weeks now. 

Mr Ndassa issued a special request after the lawmakers finished contributing on the budget of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Settlement Development today. 

"Since May 11, the electronic machines are not working and buyers are no longer given electronically-generated receipts. I think there is possibility of sabotage and the government is losing revenue," said Mr Ndassa who needed government clarifications. 

Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning Dr Ashatu Kijaji quickly responded that Tanzania Revenue Authority was working on the issue. 

"It's true that there is a technical hitch and the machines are not working. Our IT teams from e-government agency and TRA are tirelessly working to restore the situation," said Dr Kijaji. 

Parliamentary chairman Mr Mussa Zungu said the service provider contracted by the government needs up-to-date firewall for such kind of emergencies.