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Lukuvi on night shift to end land problems

What you need to know:

Land Minister William Lukuvi tends to land problems presented by various people in his office.

Dar es Salaam. Mountain of land problems raised by 189 residents forced Land, Housing and Human settlement Development minister, William Lukuvi, to spend his day in office until well past midnight.

Statement from the ministry said this happened last Friday when Minister Lukuvi started to deal with the problems at around 8am and he did not leave his office until 3am the next day.

Some of those who presented their problem were forced to spend the night outside the ministry building waiting for the minister.

The group of people with land problem was from Bagamoyo, Kibaha, Mkuranga, Kibiti and Dar es Salaam. Mr Lukuvi had dedicated the day for meeting people with land problems.

In June, 2017, minister Lukuvi issues a notice to all people from Dar es Salaam and Coast regions with land problems to list their names and contacts and he will dedicate a day to address their issues individually.