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Lukuvi visits Mara Region to resolve land disputes

Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development minister William Lukuvi is in Mara Region to try and tackle challenges related to land in the region.

What you need to know:

  • Mr Lukuvi’s visit to Mara comes after President John Magufuli issued the directive requiring the minister to go to the Lake Zone and sort out land disputes and conflicts.

Musoma. Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development minister William Lukuvi is in Mara Region to try and tackle challenges related to land in the region.

Mr Lukuvi’s visit to Mara comes after President John Magufuli issued the directive requiring the minister to go to the Lake Zone and sort out land disputes and conflicts.

Among others, he was expected to meet with various people including Ms Nyasasi Masige, an elderly woman and resident of Bunda District who complained before President Magufuli that her land had been grabbed by well-to-do trader in the district.

She told the President that her efforts to seek for justice proved futile, prompting Dr Magufuli to make a live call to Mr Lukuvi to get clarification on how the ministry had handled the matter.

President Magufuli directed Mr Lukuvi to suspend the Lake Zone Lands Commissioner for failure to ensure justice prevailed and that Ms Masige’s issue was resolved.

Lake Zone Lands Commissioner Joseph Shewiyo was put on suspension effective September 5.

The minister will also meet a group of 37 people in Musoma who had filed their land disputes to the minister.

Mr Lukuvi is expected to tour three districts namely; Bunda, Musoma and Tarime.

Concluding his Lake Regions tour, President Magufuli directed regional and district officials to find solutions to land problems through peaceful means.