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Missing Kawe councillor found in woman’s house in Tabata

Kawe Councillor Mutta Rwakatare who has reportedly been missing since February. FILE

What you need to know:

  • In a statement released by the Dar es Salaam Special Zone RPC ACP Jumanne Muliro, Mr Rwakatare was found at a certain woman’s house in the suburbs of Tabata in Ilala District.

Dar es Salaam. Days after Kawe Councillor Mutta Rwakatare, 43, was reported to be missing by Kinondoni Mayor, police in Dar es Salaam  have managed to locate his whereabouts and returned him to his relatives.

In a statement released by the Dar es Salaam Special Zone RPC ACP Jumanne Muliro, Mr Rwakatare was found at a certain woman’s house in the suburbs of Tabata in Ilala District.

“The Dar es Salaam Special Zone Police Force conducted an investigation and were able to locate the Councillor on the 23rd of May at the home of one Ashura Ally Matitu, 43,” reads the statement.

According to the police, Ms Matitu, who is a resident of Tabata Darajani, claimed that Rwakatare has been her longtime companion, in a relationship that spans over a decade.

She further narrated that Mr Rwakatare arrived at her home on May 19, in an intoxicated state and had stayed there until when he was found by the Police.

Rwakatare reportedly went missing since in February of this year, leading to social media concerns regarding his whereabouts – including one from the Mayor of Kinondoni Municipality, Benjamin Sitta.

His relatives had also provided background information to the police, detailing the Councillor’s behavioural patterns and conduct leading to him going missing for months. Treatment and further psychological therapies are being sought out.