NBC latest campaign seeks to promote Mbinga coffee farming

What you need to know:
- The drive goes hand in hand with training on various services offered by the bank, including crop insurance and health insurance, agency services, digital services, agricultural equipment and input loans.
Mbinga. The National Bank of Commerce (NBC) has launched its campaign which seeks to revitalise the coffee industry in Mbinga District.
The campaign called "Shinda mechi zako kinamna yako na NBC Shambani," aims to provide financial services and support to the district's coffee farmers in attempt to drive increased productivity and prosperity.
The drive goes hand in hand with training on various services offered by the bank, including crop insurance and health insurance, agency services, digital services, agricultural equipment and input loans.
Speaking during the inauguration of the initiative, Mbinga district commissioner, Mr Kisare Makori, appreciated the lender for prioritising farmers, adding that the campaign is an important liberation for coffee farmers who require special financial services in the district.
"The health and agricultural insurance services promoted by NBC through this campaign are important for farmers, especially in dealing with their personal health challenges and protecting themselves against losses resulting from natural disasters that affect their crops," he said.
Through the campaign, farmers can also access loans for essential tools such as tractors and other modern agricultural equipment, agricultural inputs, and pre-payment loans for farmers.
NBC head of strategy, Mr Msafiri Shayo, who represented the bank's managing director, Theobald Sabi, said the campaign is part of the bank’s response to the government call to contribute to the achievement of the agenda 10/30 which aims to increase agricultural growth from five percent to 10 percent by 2030.
"Alongside the launch of the campaign for coffee farmers in Mbinga district, we also offer various services for farmers, including the opening of farmers' accounts, issuing individual farmer loans for agricultural tools such as tractors, and loans for cooperative societies (AMCOS/Union) for inputs and pre-payment through the warehouse receipt system," he stated.
The bank’s head of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Mr Raymond Urassa, said that it targets all farmers, including cooperative societies and individuals who will process their sales proceeds into their NBC Shambani accounts.
"Through this campaign, farmers will have the chance to win various tools such as spray pumps and motorcycles. AMCOS and UNION will have the opportunity to win laptops and motorcycles." He informed the eager audience.
Speaking on behalf of the farmers, Ms. Loveness Kapinga, the Secretary of the Nahongo AMCOS based in the district, while commending the bank for this important campaign, expressed her fascination with the health insurance and crop insurance services due to the great need the farmers have for access to good healthcare services.
Furthermore, Ms. Kapinga mentioned crop insurance as the right solution against the effects of various disasters that affect their crops.