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Overhaul of Dodoma public transport system coming

Dodoma. The Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (Sumatra) in Dodoma is planning to make a major overhaul of the public transport system in the capital.

The plan is aimed at improving the crucial sector to match with the anticipated rise in the number of vehicles including matching with the region’s news status. As part of the plan, Sumatra directed that from early next year, mini-commuter buses, popularly known as ‘Hiace’ would no longer be allowed to operate within the municipality and instead only buses with a capacity of carrying at least 50 would be allowed to operate. (Valentino Oforo)

An official within the office of the Dodoma District Commissioner yesterday told The Citizen that the move targeted to ensure that residents of the fast-growing municipality were served with standard commuter buses. (Valentino Oforo)