President Magufuli : Here is my record in numbers

What you need to know:
He promised to protect natural wealth and end bureaucracy in government offices by, among other measures, forming a special court to try graft cases. His pledge was to run the economy that would create opportunities for the youth and reduce the growing gap between the rich and the poor.
Dar es Salaam. When he inaugurated the 11th Parliament in Dodoma in November 2015, President John Magufuli was categorical that time has come for Tanzanians to walk the talk.
With an apparent seriousness on his face and voice, the newly elected President vowed to confront mega corruption, fight embezzlement of funds in the local government, fixing poor management and sheer waste of public resources.
He promised to protect natural wealth and end bureaucracy in government offices by, among other measures, forming a special court to try graft cases. His pledge was to run the economy that would create opportunities for the youth and reduce the growing gap between the rich and the poor.
The president committed himself to overhauling the mining sec-tor for the good of all Tanzanians, double health budget, increase revenue collection and seal all the loopholes of corruption in the energy sector.
Today, President Magufuli has the number to measure his success or failures.Dissolving the Parliament yesterday, the head of state used nearly two hours of his speech to narrate in numbers huge success his administration has recorded during the past five years.
He told the Parliament amid thunderous cheers it was encouraging that Tanzania remained unit-ed despite differences in people’s tribes, religious and political inclinations.
“We came to power at a time when there were killings in Kibiti but our security men worked hard and contained them…In five years, the government has worked hard to bring discipline in public service. Those who went against our directives were disciplined, including being fired, demoted, salary reduc-tions or warnings,” he said.
Below is the story in numbers
Discipline in public service
A total of 32,535 public servants have been disciplined. Out of them, 15,508 were removed from the government payroll because they were employed on forged academic credentials. 19,708 of ghost workers were removed from the payroll.These ghost workers were costing the government a total of Sh19.8 billion per month.74,173 new employees, with relevant qualifications, were employed.
War on corruption2016
The Corruption and Economic Crimes Division of the High Court was established.407: The number of cases registered at the court so far.2,256: Number of cases handled by the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB).
Sh273.38 billion: Amount in illegally obtained cash that PCCB has recovered. Nationalised cash include:Sh899 million, $1.19 million; Euros 4.3 million; Eight houses valued at Sh11.6 billion and five vehicles worth Sh126 million.
War on drug trafficking
Impounded:97.99 tonnes of bang85.54 tonnes of khat 567.96 kilograms of heroin 23.383 kilograms of cocaine37,104 suspects apprehended
Revenue collections Sh850 billion
Average amount in monthly tax collections in 2015Sh1.3 trillion: Average amount in monthly tax collection at presentSh1.97 trillion: A record tax revenue collection that was attained in December 2019.Sh11.0 trillion: Amount in domes-tic revenue during the 2014/15 budget Sh18.5 trillion: Amount in domes-tic revenue during the 2018/19 financial year.26 percent: Development spend-ing as percentage of total budget in 201540 percent: Development spending as percentage of total budget at present
Education One million: Class one enrolment in 2015 1.6 million: Class one enrolment in 20201.648 million: Secondary school students in 2015 2.185 million: Secondary school students in 202065,064: First-year university students in 201587,813: First-year university students in 2020
1,769: Number of new outlets for delivery of health services 7,014: Total number of outlets for delivery of health services in 20158,783: Total number of outlets for delivery of health services in 202014,479: Total number of health sector workers employed by the government in five years1,000: Newly employed medical doctors
86,153: Total number of health workers in 2015 100,631: Total number of health workers in 2020 117: Total number of new ambulances purchased in five years311: Total number of expert doc-tors trained in five years90 per cent: drop in number of Tanzanians patients who receive referrals for treatment outside the country in five years
4,423: Total number of water projects implemented in five years47 percent: Population with access to safe and clean water in 201570.1 percent: Population with access to safe and clean water in 2020
Rail and Roads
3,500 kilometres: Length of tar-marked road built in five years. 13,000 kilometres: Length of tar-marked road across Tanzania. Two: Number of flyovers/interchanges built in five years13: Long bridges built in five years.
Over 70 percent: Completion stage of the 300-Kilometre Dar-Morogoro Standard Gauge Railway line (SGR) Section30 percent: Completion stage of the 422-kilometre Morogoro–Makutopora SGR SectionSh7.062 trillion: The total amount to be spent on the SGR project
Aviation and Tourism
11: The number of Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL) planes ordered Eight (8): The number of ATCL aircrafts that had been deployed and were in use1,137,132: The number to tourists visiting Tanzania in 20151,510,151: Number of tourists in Tanzania in 2019 $1.9 billion: Earnings from tourism in 2015$2.6 billion from tourism in 2019
240 Megawatts: Amount of power delivered by JPM’s administration from Kinyerezi 2325 Megawatts: More to be delivered after completion of the ongoing expansion of Kinyerezi 1.Sh6.5 trillion: Amount to be spent on ongoing construction of the 2,115 Megawatts Nyerere Hydro-power Dam at the Rufiji River.
2,018: Number of villages connected to electricity via the Rural Energy Agency (REA) in 2015 9,112: Number of villages connected to electricity via the REA as of April 2020. 3,156: Remaining number of villages to be connected
Sh719 billion: Amount saved after government switched off Symbion, Aggreko and IPTL power generation plants.
8,476: Number of new industries built in five years 201: Number of large scale industries built in five years 460: Number of medium-sized factories built in five years.