President Samia pledges support for defence college’s new research centre

President Samia Suluhu Hassan arrives at the National Defence College (NDC) in Dar es Salaam on July 27 to officiate the 12th  valedictory function. PHOTO | COURTESY  

What you need to know:

  • President Hassan urged the National Defence College to enhance collaboration with like-minded research institutions and facilitate its strategic contributions in line with its mandate, pledging support to the upcoming construction of a state-of-the-art research, learning, and innovation centre

Dar es Salaam. President Samia Suluhu Hassan has emphasised the importance of collaborative and multilateralism solutions to collectively address complex challenges facing today’s interconnected world.

The Head of State said her government will support the National Defence College (NDC) in ensuring the facility becomes the centre of excellence for academic research and innovation that is impactful for domestic, regional, and global security.

President Hassan made the statement in Dar es Salaam during the 2023/24 NDC’s 12th Valedictory Function held at the college located in Kunduchi, during which 53 course members graduated.

Speaking during the event, President Hassan urged the NDC to enhance collaboration with like-minded research institutions and facilitate its strategic contributions in line with its mandate, pledging support to the upcoming construction of a state-of-the-art research, learning, and innovation centre.

“The South-South cooperation spirit remains alive today as it was in the 1960s,” she said.

President Hassan said the NDC’s ongoing investment in infrastructure and human resources development is crucial, highlighting that they will come with significant returns for the benefit of both the nation and the international community.

Furthermore, she said it is essential to continue investing in and supporting reliable research and collaboration with partners and friend institutions.

“The hosting of 22 course members from 15 friendly nations is a testament to our belief that by bringing together our highest level and most outstanding professionals, we will continue to find solutions,” she said.

She said since its inception in 2012, the NDC's enrollment has remarkably evolved from the first course that comprised 20 all-Tanzanian members to the current 53 multinational course members.

According to her, the number of female participants has increased, from six in the 2021-22 academic year to seven this year, challenging the college to maintain the momentum by upholding gender parity among suitable candidates for future courses.

Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF), Major General Wilbert Ibuge, emphasised that national security should not be regarded as the sole responsibility of the security sector; instead, it should be an inclusive domain involving every individual.

“Each person has a vital role in safeguarding the country, region, and the world in general due to the undeniable and pervasive security challenges of the 21st century,” he said.

He said the college supports the government’s policy formulation and implementation through research and consultancy.

It ensures a holistic and sustainable approach to national security, encompassing all sectors from public to private domains, which enables individuals to enhance their analytical and strategic decision-making skills, optimising their abilities within the context of national security and strategy.