President Samia: Stop frustrating taxpayers, expand tax base

President Samia Suluhu Hassan during the swearing in of the newly appointed ministers at State House on April 1.
What you need to know:
- According to the president the prevailing trend is killing tax payers instead of making the environment conducive for doing business.
Dodoma. Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan has today told the taxman through the ministry of finance to stop frustrating businesses and instead look for new ways how to expand the tax base.
“You have been given a threshold of Sh 2 trillion per month, go and expand the tax base and come up with new tax payers,” said the president.
The President was speaking at the swearing in of the newly appointed Chief Secretary, ministers and their deputies at State House Dodoma.
According to the president the prevailing trend is killing tax payers instead of making the environment conducive for doing business.
“You use a lot of force in collection of taxes, now those whom you impose heavy taxes upon, you take away their tools of work, close their bank accounts, forcefully take money from accounts, just because the law allows you to do so, once this happens most business people opt to close shop and go to other countries,” said President.
She added: This reduces the number of tax payers, I therefore urge you to go out there and expand the tax base plus supervising all the issues that frustrate people from paying taxes.
She also cautioned the ministers not to seat back and relax, saying Tanzanians want services there fore they should be in the field serving Tanzanians.
Earlier the VP Dr Phillip Mpango who also addressed the audience said there was still more work to be done in revenue collection and public spending especially in the Local government, a docket that is now being held by Ummy Mwalimu.