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Report offers four recommendations on how to improve healthcare delivery in Tanzania

THS President Dr Omary Chillo  first from right followed by JHPIEGO Country Director  Ms Alice Christensen second from right, , THS Chairman Dr Chakou Halfan  third right and the Senior Technical Advisor from FHM Engage holding copies of the report soon after the launch. PHOTO | SUNDAY GEORGE

Putting patients at the center of healthcare services, embracing research, innovation and bolstering private sector engagement to deliver quality healthcare are some of the major recommendations that have emerged from the 9th Tanzania Health Summit (THS) report.

Speaking at the official launch of the dissemination report from the 9th Tanzania Health Summit (THS) the THS President Dr Omary Chillo said, THS came up with four general recommendations to address the challenges affecting quality healthcare delivery in the country.

The report titled Quality of Healthcare in Tanzania: The current status and Area of Improvement Toward Achieving Health Sector Strategic Plan V delves into details of what transpired during the 9th THS in October 2022, and comes at a time of high Government commitment to promoting universal healthcare.

The report offers recommendations and scientific solutions generated by 621 participants who discussed contemporary challenges hindering quality healthcare delivery in the country.

"Deaths caused by poor quality healthcare receive less attention compared to those caused by other illnesses. This is the new challenge we are indebted tackle and to support improvement with all of our efforts and we should collectively work to improve the healthcare services," said Dr Chillo.

According to Dr Chillo, the release of the report signifies a step ahead in further advocating best healthcare practices and showcasing the summit's decade of impact as THS marks its 10 anniversary.

The meeting had five speakers and are as follows Dr Ntuli Kapologwe the Director of Health, Social Welfare and Nutrition Services at the President’s Office- Regional Adminitsrtion and Local Government, Dr. Chakou Halfani the THS Chairman, Alice Christensen the Country director at JHPIEGO, Mr Innocent Deus the THS General Manager and Mr Deus Mnyenye from and Dr Omary Chillo.

Mr Innocent Deus the THS General Manager facilitated this year’s theme and among the discussed themes are political will and inclusive policy for Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Addressing the opportunities in healthcare service provision, Road to UHC. National efforts to dismantle barriers in accessing healthcare, strengthening health systems for UHC focusing on primary health care, societal transformation to ensure successful implementation of UHC and leveraging the country reforms necessary to achieve UHC