Samia congratulates Ramaphosa on reelection

President Samia Suluhu Hassan (left) with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa during the former's state visit to South Africa. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Ramaphosa secured his second term after his party, the ANC, formed an unprecedented coalition government.

Dar es Salaam. Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan has congratulated Cyril Ramaphosa on his reelection as President of South Africa.

Samia emphasized the bond between Tanzania and South Africa as sister Republics and expressed eagerness to continue collaborating to reinforce the enduring fraternal bonds and historical ties between the two nations and peoples.

Ramaphosa secured his second term after his party, the ANC, formed an unprecedented coalition government.

Lawmakers in Cape Town voted overwhelmingly on Friday to reinstate Ramaphosa, 71, for another five years after the May 29 general election produced no outright winner.

"I am humbled and honored that you, as members of the National Assembly, have... decided to elect me to be the President of the Republic of South Africa," Ramaphosa said in his acceptance speech.

The election marked a historic turning point for South Africa, ending three decades of dominance by the African National Congress of the late Nelson Mandela.